Your Activities Quiz

Why should you know the type of activities that suit you best?

Enjoying the activities you perform at work is an essential part of a suitable profession.

You can perform a wide variety of activities yet you tend to have a preferred type.

How do you know what activities suit you?

Noticing the activities you perform most and freely is a good way to recognize your preferred type of activity. Another is to recognize the activities you dislike doing. As you gain experience, these become increasingly noticeable. Go through the suggestions and identify your preferred types of activities.

What do you do?

1- Activities: teaching / training / advising / providing information / communicating using different mediums
2- Purpose: inform / instruct / guide / inspire / create educational experiences
3- Subject: education / guidance / support / improvement / self-expression
1- Activities: observing / listening / diagnosing / rehabilitating / treating / counseling / encouraging
2- Purpose: help / heal / assist people
3- Subject: support / assistance / people's needs
1- Activities: hosting / performing / entertaining / interviewing / communicating using different mediums / creating events
2- Purpose: serve / amuse / create pleasurable experiences
3- Subject: entertainment / self-esteem / recognition / self-expression / communication / experimentation / enlightenment / pleasure / excitement / adventure
1- Activities: networking / introducing / selecting / deciding / hiring / supervising / instructing / organizing / negotiating /selling
2- Purpose: manage / lead / influence / create connections
3- Subject: contribution / accomplishment / improvement / guidance / recognition / self-expression / control / leadership
1- Activities: generating ideas / working ideas / imagining / questioning concepts / brainstorming
2- Purpose: invent / formulate new theories / create original & educational works
3- Subject: contribution / improvement / change / self-expression / innovation / experimentation / influence / enlightenment
1- Activities: writing / painting / filming / photographing / performing / creating presentations using different mediums / designing & organizing events
2- Purpose: materialize ideas
3- Subject: contribution / improvement / accomplishment / self-expression / communication / creation / experimentation
1- Activities: computer programming / information engineering / writing software / designing / troubleshooting / experimenting / researching
2- Purpose: create & maintain programs, software, and websites
3- Subject: accomplishment / improvement / self-expression / creation / innovation / experimentation
1- Activity: reading, gathering, analyzing, selecting, organizing, interpreting & repurposing information
2- Purpose: research / store information / reach conclusions / identify meaning / learn / attain mastery
3- Subject: enlightenment / truthfulness / education
1- Activities: critiquing & adapting content / editing / copy-writing / translating / interpreting / calculating
2- Purpose: efficiency / improvement / identify problems & solutions
3- Subject: improvement / change / communication / self-expression / creation / control / influence / help
1- Activities: identifying risks & opportunities / goal setting / writing reports / managing resources / accounting
2- Purpose: manage projects to fruition
3- Subject: contribution / accomplishment / improvement / guidance / self-expression / control / influence / supervise / support / help
1- Activities: analyzing / studying / evaluating / judging
2- Purpose: understand natural, physical or mechanical systems, objects & bodies
3- Subject: enlightenment / education / mastery / experimentation
1- Activity: inventing / designing / assembling / repairing / crafting / tooling / shaping / healing
2- Purpose: create, manufacture, improve or maintain natural, physical & mechanical systems, objects & bodies
3- Subject: accomplishment / contribution / improvement / change / creation / self-expression / experimentation / give / help
1- Activities: displaying / selecting / arranging / stylizing / embellishing / adorning
2- Purpose: beautify / artistic display
3- Subject: desirability / contribution / improvement / admiration / recognition / self-expressions / communication / creation / innovation / experimentation / pleasure / serve / give
1- Activities: dancing / fighting / physical agility & strength / body motion / massaging / touching
2- Purpose: physical accomplishment / action
3- Subject: defense / safety / contribution / accomplishment / improvement / self-esteem / recognition / self-expression / experimentation / pleasure / excitement / control / influence / help / give
1- Activities: installing, tending & operating machines of all sizes including transport vehicles and weaponry / constructing / cleaning / carrying / storing
2- Purpose: build / produce / transport / defend / clean
3- Subject: safety / protection / contribution / improvement / experimentation / freedom / independence / support / serve / help / give
1- Activity: finding, collecting or producing food & other resources & goods / navigating / traveling
2- Purpose: explore the environment for food & resources / transportation
3- Subject: contribution / accomplishment / enlightenment / experimentation / adventure / serve / help / give

People directed activitiesSET 20 working with people & transmission of information; SET 21 working with people’s needs; SET 22 working to accommodate, entertain and communicate with people; SET 23: working with people to manage and influence them.

Information directed activitiesSET 24 working with information and formulate new ideas; SET 25 working with information and materializing ideas; SET 26 working with digital information; SET 27 working with the collecting and mastering of information; SET 28 working and critiquing information; SET 29 working with information to manage projects.

Physical & object directed activitiesSET 30 working with bodies or objects to analyze and evaluate them; SET 31 working to heal bodies or craft objects; SET 32 working with bodies, objects, or food to improve or embellish them; SET 33 working with your body’s action & physicality; SET 34 working with different types of objects or machinery; SET 35 working and interacting with the natural environment’s objects & resources.

Sources: From "O*NET OnLine" by the National Center for O*NET Development. Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. And, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

#Activities quiz #Activities #Suit you #Directed activities#What do you do