SET 22 - Performing Activities

Interviewing, Entertaining, and Hosting Activities

What do you do?

The activities you seek to embody repeatedly reveal the type of action you are best suited for. Use the activities you excel or are willing to excel at. SET 22Interviewing - Entertaining - Hosting - Performing Activities

What do you want to do?

Hosting and performing for people is at the core of your skills and talents. Amusing and creating pleasurable experiences are the type of activities that you like to perform repeatedly.

Administrative Support Occupations


Interview persons by telephone, mail, in person, or by other means for the purpose of completing forms, applications, or questionnaires. Ask specific questions, record answers, and assist persons with completing forms. May sort, classify, and file forms.

Interviewers career, Administrative Support Occupations

Similar: Eligibility Interviewer

Arts and Design Occupations

Set and Exhibit Designers

Design special exhibits and sets for film, video, television, and theater productions. May study scripts, confer with directors, and conduct research to determine appropriate architectural styles.

Set and Exhibit Designers Career, Arts and Design Occupations
Business and Financial Occupations

Human Resources Specialists

Recruit, screen, interview, or place individuals within an organization. May perform other activities in multiple human resources areas.

Human Resources Specialists Career, Human Resources Specialists Profession, Business and Financial Occupations

Similar: Human Resources Managers video

Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners

Coordinate activities of staff, convention personnel, or clients to make arrangements for group meetings, events, or conventions.

Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners Career, Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners Profession, Business and Financial Occupations

Similar: Wedding Planners

Training and Development Specialists

Design or conduct work-related training and development programs to improve individual skills or organizational performance. May analyze organizational training needs or evaluate training effectiveness.

Training and Development Specialists Career, Training and Development Specialists Profession, Business and Financial Occupations

Similar: Executive Coach; Technology Trainers; Training and Development Managers video

Community and Social Service Occupations


Conduct religious worship and perform other spiritual functions associated with beliefs and practices of religious faith or denomination. Provide spiritual and moral guidance and assistance to members.

Clergy Career, Clergy Profession, Community and Social Service Occupations

Similar: Directors, Religious Activities and Education; Religious Educators; Religious Workers

Education and Library Occupations

Adult Basic and Secondary Education and ESL Teachers

Teach or instruct out-of-school youths and adults in basic education, literacy, or English as a Second Language classes, or in classes for earning a high school equivalency credential.

Adult Basic and Secondary Education and ESL Teachers Career, education and library occupations, education teachers

Archivists, Curators, and Museum Workers

Archivists and curators oversee institutions’ collections, such as of historical items or of artwork. Museum technicians and conservators prepare and restore items in those collections.

Archivists, Curators, and Museum Workers Career, Education and Library Occupations

Similar: Antique Dealers; Art Appraisers; Art Critics; Art Restorers; Auctioneers; Museum Directors; Museum Technicians and Conservators

Career and Technical Education Teachers

Teach vocational courses intended to provide occupational training below the baccalaureate level in subjects such as construction, mechanics/repair, manufacturing, transportation, or cosmetology, primarily to students who have graduated from or left high school.

Career and Technical Education Teachers career, education and library occupations

High School Teachers

High school teachers teach academic lessons and various skills that students will need to attend college and to enter the job market.

High School Teachers Career, Education and Library Occupations

Similar: Middle School Teachers

Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers

Kindergarten and elementary school teachers instruct young students in basic subjects in order to prepare them for future schooling.

Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers career, education teachers, education and library occupations

Similar: Preschool Teachers video

Librarians and Library Media Specialists

Administer and maintain libraries or collections of information, for public or private access through reference or borrowing. Work in a variety of settings, such as educational institutions, museums, and corporations, and with various types of informational materials, such as books, periodicals, recordings, films, and databases.

Librarians and Library Media Specialists career, education and library occupations

Similar: Library Technicians and Assistants video

Postsecondary Teachers

Postsecondary teachers instruct students in a wide variety of academic and technical subjects beyond the high school level.

Postsecondary Teachers Career, Education and Library Occupations

Similar: Agricultural Sciences Teachers; Anthropology and Archeology Teachers; Architecture Teachers; Art, Drama, and Music Teachers; Atmospheric, Earth, Marine, and Space Sciences Teachers; Biological Science Teachers; Business Teachers; Chemistry Teachers; Communications Teachers; Computer Science Teachers; Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers; Economics Teachers; Engineering Teachers; English Language and Literature Teachers; Environmental Science Teachers; Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers; Foreign Language and Literature Teachers; Forestry and Conservation Science Teachers; Geography Teachers; Gym Teachers; Health Specialties Teachers; History Teachers; Law Teachers; Library Science Teachers, Mathematical Science Teachers; Nursing Instructors and Teachers; Philosophy and Religion Teachers; Physics Teachers; Political Science Teachers; Psychology Teachers; Recreation and Fitness Studies Teachers; Social Sciences Teachers; Social Work Teachers; Sociology Teachers;

Self-Enrichment Education Teachers

Teach or instruct individuals or groups for the primary purpose of self-enrichment or recreation, rather than for an occupational objective, educational attainment, competition, or fitness.

Self-Enrichment Education Teachers career, education and library occupations

Similar: Drama Coach

Special Education Teachers

Special education teachers work with students who have a wide range of learning, mental, emotional, and physical disabilities.

Special Education Teacher Career, education and library occupations

Teaching Assistants

Teacher assistants work with a licensed teacher to give students additional attention and instruction.

Teaching Assistants career, education and library occupations

Similar: Online Educators; Substitute Teachers; Tutors

Entertainment and Sports Occupations


Play parts in stage, television, radio, video, or film productions, or other settings for entertainment, information, or instruction. Actors interpret serious or comic roles by speech, gesture, and body movement to entertain or inform the audience. Entertainment Career

Actors Career, actors profession, entertainment career, Entertainment and Sports Occupations

Similar: Comedians; Stunt Performers

Athletes and Sports Competitors

Athletes and sports competitors participate in organized, officiated sporting events to entertain spectators. Practice, effort, and personal improvement are a constant in all sports careers.

Athletes and Sports Careers, Entertainment and Sports Occupations

Dancers and Choreographers

Dancers and choreographers use dance performances to express ideas and stories.

Dancers and Choreographers Career, Dancers and Choreographers Profession, arts career, entertainment career, Entertainment and Sports Occupations

Similar: Cheerleaders

Music Directors and Composers

Conduct, direct, plan, and lead instrumental or vocal performances by musical artists or groups, such as orchestras, bands, choirs, and glee clubs; or create original works of music.

Music Directors and Composers Career, Entertainment and Sports Occupations

Similar: Musicologists

Musicians and Singers

Play one or more musical instruments or sing. May perform on stage, for broadcasting, or for sound or video recording.

Musicians and Singers Career, Musicians and Singers Profession, arts career, entertainment career, Entertainment and Sports Occupations
Management Occupations

Education and Childcare Administrators, Preschool and Daycare

Plan, direct, or coordinate academic or nonacademic activities of preschools or childcare centers and programs, including before- and after-school care.

Education and Childcare Administrators, Preschool and Daycare career, Management Occupations

Similar: Admissions Counselors; College Recruiters; Education Administrators, Kindergarten through Secondary video; Education Administrators, Postsecondary video

Gaming Managers

Plan, direct, or coordinate gambling operations in a casino. May formulate house rules.

Gambling Managers career, Management Occupations

Similar: Casino Manager; Entertainment and Recreation Managers; First-Line Supervisors of Gambling Services Workers; Gambling and Sports Book Writers and Runners; Gambling Cage Workers; Gambling Dealers; Gaming services workers video; Professional Gamblers

Lodging Managers

Plan, direct, or coordinate activities of an organization or department that provides lodging and other accommodations.

Lodging Managers career, Management Occupations

Similar: Health Club Managers; Health Spa Managers

Public Relations Managers

Plan, direct, or coordinate activities designed to create or maintain a favorable public image or raise issue awareness for their organization or client.

Public Relations Managers career, Management Occupations

Similar: Campaign Strategists; Diplomats; Philanthropic Consultants; Foreign Service Officer; Fundraising Managers; Lobbyists; Motivational speakers; Nonprofit Organization Directors; Political Campaign Managers; Public Engagement Managers; Public Relations Specialists video; Publicists; Training and Development Managers video

Social and Community Service Managers

Plan, direct, or coordinate the activities of a social service program or community outreach organization. Oversee the program or organization’s budget and policies regarding participant involvement, program requirements, and benefits. Work may involve directing social workers, counselors, or probation officers.

Social and Community Service Managers career, Management Occupations
Media and Communication Occupations

News Analysts, Reporters, and Journalists

Narrate or write news stories, reviews, or commentary for print, broadcast, or other communications media such as newspapers, magazines, radio, or television. May collect and analyze information through interview, investigation, or observation.

News Analysts, Reporters, and Journalists Career, News Analysts, Reporters, and Journalists Profession, media career, Film and Video Editors Career, Broadcast, Sound, and Video Technicians Career, Broadcast, Sound, and Video Technicians Profession, media career, entertainment career, Media and Communication Occupations

Similar: Court Reporters and Simultaneous Captioners video; Media Programming Directors, Media Technical Directors/Managers; Science Journalists

Public Relations Specialists

Promote or create an intended public image for individuals, groups, or organizations. May write or select material for release to various communications media. May specialize in using social media.

Public Relations Specialists Career, Public Relations Specialists Profession, Media career, News Analysts, Reporters, and Journalists Career, News Analysts, Reporters, and Journalists Profession, media career, Film and Video Editors Career, Broadcast, Sound, and Video Technicians Career, Broadcast, Sound, and Video Technicians Profession, media career, entertainment career, Media and Communication Occupations

Similar: Activists; Public Relations Managers video

Personal Care and Service Occupations

Amusement and Recreation Attendants

Perform a variety of attending duties at amusement or recreation facility. May schedule use of recreation facilities, maintain and provide equipment to participants of sporting events or recreational pursuits, or operate amusement concessions and rides.

Amusement and Recreation Attendants career, Personal Care and Service Occupations

Similar: First-Line Supervisors of Gambling Services Workers; Gambling and Sports Book Writers and Runners; Gambling Cage Workers; Gambling Dealers; Gaming services workers video; Recreation Workers video


Mix and serve drinks to patrons, directly or through waitstaff.

Bartenders career

Similar: Baristas

Chefs and Head Cooks

Direct and may participate in the preparation, seasoning, and cooking of salads, soups, fish, meats, vegetables, desserts, or other foods. May plan and price menu items, order supplies, and keep records and accounts.

Chefs and Head Cooks career, Food and serving occupations

Similar: Bakers video; Cooks video, Dishwashers; First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers video; Food and beverage serving and related workers video; Food Preparation and Serving Related Workers video; Food Service Managers video; Pastry Chefs; Personal Chefs


Assist patrons at hotel, apartment, or office building with personal services. May take messages; arrange or give advice on transportation, business services, or entertainment; or monitor guest requests for housekeeping and maintenance.

Concierges career, Personal Care and Service Occupations

Similar: Lodging Managers video

First-Line Supervisors of Entertainment and Recreation Workers

Directly supervise and coordinate activities of entertainment and recreation related workers.

First-Line Supervisors of Entertainment and Recreation Workers career, Personal Care and Service Occupations

Similar: Camp Directors; Cruise Directors; Dating Matchmaker; Recreational Leaders

Hosts and Hostesses

Take orders and serve food and beverages to patrons at tables in dining establishment.

Hosts and Hostesses, Restaurant, Lounge, and Coffee Shop career

Similar: Sommeliers; Waiters and Waitresses video

Residential Advisors

Coordinate activities in resident facilities in secondary school and college dormitories, group homes, or similar establishments. Order supplies and determine need for maintenance, repairs, and furnishings. May maintain household records and assign rooms.

Residential Advisors career, Personal Care and Service Occupations

Tour Guides

Escort individuals or groups on sightseeing tours or through places of interest, such as industrial establishments, public buildings, and art galleries.

Tour Guides Career, Personal Care and Service Occupations

Similar: Bicycle Tour Guides; Ecotourism Guides

Physical and Social Science Occupations

Park Naturalists

Plan, develop, and conduct programs to inform public of historical, natural, and scientific features of national, state, or local park.

Park Naturalists Career, Physical and Social Science Occupations

Similar: Outward bound guide

Sales Occupations

Counter and Rental Clerks

Receive orders, generally in person, for repairs, rentals, and services. May describe available options, compute cost, and accept payment.
Counter and Rental Clerks career, Sales Occupations

First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers

Directly supervise and coordinate activities of retail sales workers in an establishment or department. Duties may include management functions, such as purchasing, budgeting, accounting, and personnel work, in addition to supervisory duties.

First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers career, Sales Occupations

Similar: First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales Workers; Retail Store Managers

Real Estate Brokers and Sales Agents

Real estate brokers and sales agents help clients buy, sell, and rent properties.

Real Estate Brokers and Sales Agents career, Sales Occupations

Travel Agents

Plan and sell transportation and accommodations for customers. Determine destination, modes of transportation, travel dates, costs, and accommodations required. May also describe, plan, and arrange itineraries and sell tour packages. May assist in resolving clients’ travel problems.

Travel Agents career, Sales Occupations
Transportation Occupations

Flight Attendants

Monitor safety of the aircraft cabin. Provide services to airline passengers, explain safety information, serve food and beverages, and respond to emergency incidents.

Flight Attendants career, Transportation Occupations

Conclusion: general preference according to the number of your selection: SET 22 performing activities.

Sources: From "O*NET OnLine" by the National Center for O*NET Development. Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. And, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

#Performing activities #Hosting activities #Interviewing #Entertaining #Performing

Sources: From "O*NET OnLine" by the National Center for O*NET Development. Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. And, Bureau of Labor Statistics.