Your Place Quiz

Why should you identify the environments that suit you?

Our surroundings determine in great measure our well-being and the type of activity that can be performed.

It is no wonder that knowing which type of activities you want to perform has a great influence over the place you need.

Despite this relation there are environments that are incompatible with your personality and consequently your well-being. You need to recognize and avoid them.

Why should you identify the environments that suit you?

Our surroundings determine in great measure our well-being and the type of activity that can be performed.

It is no wonder that knowing which type of activities you want to perform has a great influence over the place you need.

Despite this relation there are environments that are incompatible with your personality and consequently your well-being. You need to recognize and avoid them.

How to know what work environments suits you?

The suitability of your work environment is measured by how productive you are in it. This connection relates to how focused you are while accomplishing the activities that are required to reach your desired goal. Go through the different work environments and recognize the ones most adequate to the type of activities you wish to perform. Also, note the environments that are completely against your preferences.

What work environment do you prefer?

Busy, Cooperative, and Productive – SET 36

meet and interact with many people
no routine, variety, change, multiple projects
informal, relaxed
empathetic relationships
growth opportunities
flexible approach
participation and cooperation encouraged
fast paced, lively

Flexible, Energetic, and Outgoing – SET 37

meet and interact with many people
no routine, variety, change, multiple projects
informal, relaxed
empathetic relationships
flexible approach
multiple locations and outdoors
fast paced, hands-on

Exciting, Challenging, and Competitive – SET 38

interact with interesting and accomplished people
no routine, variety, change, multiple projects
recognition, status
challenging and competitive
growth opportunities
structured with clear guidelines
fast paced, lively

Cooperative, Structured, and Predictable – SET 39

interacting groups and teams
recognition, status, influence
cooperative and appreciative environment
growth opportunities
structured with clear guidelines
security, well-respected institution
fast paced, productive
stable career path and expectations

Predictable, Calm, and Secure – SET 40

private, quiet space and time
routine and stable
recognition, status
supportive, harmonious, and not competitive
no unnecessary risks
structured with clear guidelines
security, well-respected institution
clear career path and expectations

Structured, Predictable, and Private – SET 41

private, occasionally one-on-one, and small groups
variety of activities
not status conscious
supportive, harmonious, and empathetic
growth opportunities
predictable, structured
control over own work

Active, Hands-on, and Autonomous – SET 42

private space and time
variety, change, crisis
informal, relaxed
occasionally one-on-one and small groups
hands-on, active and challenging
flexible approach
opportunity to go outdoors
control over own work
adventurous, risk taking

Relaxed, Beautiful, and Informal – SET 43

one-on-one or small groups
no routine, variety, change, active
easygoing, informal, and relaxed
cooperative and supportive
growth opportunities
flexible approach, minimum of rules
beautiful environment

Supportive, Informal, and Active – SET 44

private space and time
variety and change
informal, relaxed
occasionally one-on-one and small groups
growth opportunities
flexible approach
empathetic, harmonious, and participative
hands-on, active

Autonomous, Challenging, and Private – SET 45

private space and time
variety, change
informal, relaxed
flexible approach
quiet, reserved, and detached
control over own work

Conclusion: general atmosphere and environment preference according to your selections:  SET 36 busy, productive, and creative;  SET 37 flexible, energetic, and outgoing;  SET 38 exciting, challenging, and competitive; SET 39 cooperative, structured, and predictable;  SET 40 predictable, calm, and secure;  SET 41 structured, creative, and private;  SET 42 active, hands-on, and autonomous;  SET 43 relaxed, beautiful, and informal;  SET 44 supportive, creative, and active;  SET 45 autonomous, private, and creative.

Sources: From "O*NET OnLine" by the National Center for O*NET Development. Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. And, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

#Your place #Work environment #Work environments #What work environment do you prefer #Different work environments

Sources: From "O*NET OnLine" by the National Center for O*NET Development. Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. And, Bureau of Labor Statistics.