Is your effort worth anything?
When you examine yourself and your abilities, do you believe you are capable of doing good things—things that can improve your life or the lives of others? Do you think your efforts can sustain some level of well-being?
Recognizing what’s beyond control
Most things happening in the world were accomplished beyond your personal effort. A simple way to grasp this is to look out the window and count how many things you see that you had nothing to do with. Most of what you see in your daily life was created by other people.
Human-scale effort
Life is made enjoyable through the efforts of countless individuals, all bound by the same human scale.
Your effort is another small part of the world that someone else, looking out their window, will see.
Don’t crush your will to make an effort by focusing on its scale.

Don’t discard your effort; it is absolutely necessary. It makes your life and others’ lives better.
Because of my journey, I developed to share lessons I learned and help others surpass this challenge.
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#I chose the wrong career #wrong career #wrong career path #changing careers #right career
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I chose the wrong career

How I got into the wrong career.
It all started with a blinding lack of knowledge, experience, and ZERO wisdom.
Without other reasons, except I have to choose something, and architecture sounds good. I ended up choosing the wrong major and career.
Why was it the wrong major?
Simply put, it had little to do with my skills, and I didn’t care much for the results. Envisioning built spaces and designing big objects meant nothing to me. I didn’t care or feel anything for it.
Unfortunately, I had to come into contact with the field of architecture to realize that it had no connection with what I valued in life.
I realize that how my university approached teaching architecture and its price tag had a negative impact, too.
How did my university let me down?
After high school, I didn’t want to pursue higher education, but through a combination of false ideas, I became convinced it was the most likely way to succeed in life. And that I should do it right away otherwise, I’d be left behind, ideas marketed throughout the education and labor systems.
The truth is that higher education is over-marketed. Most professional paths do not require the amount of information, finances, and time that the education market tries to sell.
The primary goal of universities is not to facilitate our pursuit of the right career path nor to gain a proper education. The amount of people pursuing professional paths unrelated to their college degree is too high for it to be so. The amount of people holding a degree and feeling unprepared is too high.
Universities charge an absurd amount of resources. They hinder and cripple many people’s lives, not just mine.

What was holding me back
I was torn between the comfort of my life and the change and opportunities I longed for. “Should I have taken a chance and pursued a more rewarding career or started a family, even if it meant sacrificing my life balance? Or should I continue with my comfortable daily routine, knowing that it would most likely impede my ability to gain the new and different experiences that I admired and wanted in life?”
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