Does your effort make you proud?

What do you admire about your effort? Let me give you an example: When I created my website, I had to learn and implement everything necessary to make it function. Whether I succeeded depended on one key factor—my effort, or in other words, my dedication to the challenges I faced.

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Effort and Growth

Before I turned 30, I didn’t have much consistent capacity for effort. As I understand it now, I had no reason to be proud of the things I was doing. This was a major obstacle to my ability to perform well and, consequently, to my well-being.

The Power of Reflection

Answering the simple question, “What makes me proud of this task I’m accomplishing?” can reveal much of what you need to stay motivated. At the same time, it can also reveal whether the task is something you should actually be pursuing.

While it’s important to find your answer to that question, it’s equally important not to judge the thoughts that emerge. Let them flow. Being aware of why you are—or aren’t—proud of the tasks you undertake in your daily life is highly informative. It brings clarity. Many of us feel lost because we constantly reject our thoughts, judging them before we’ve had a chance to examine them fairly. Even unpleasant thoughts can contain truth.

The goal is to get the full picture of why an activity makes you proud—or why it doesn’t. You might realize that you’re engaged in an activity that, on its own, doesn’t bring you joy. However, completing it is a necessary part of the journey you’re on—a journey that will lead to something you are proud of. It’s essential to recognize if you’re proud of the result of your effort.

The Many Paths to Be Proud

You can be proud of many different things because there are numerous positive things to accomplish. Some believe you should strive to stay on the path that brings you the most joy. While that’s a valid point of view, I don’t think we should limit ourselves to one goal.

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Joy is a worthy aim, but so are other values like creating something you’re proud of, development, constructive accomplishments, enlightenment, safety, security, peace, family, affection, adventure, freedom, influence, autonomy, or service, among others. These can all be outcomes of your efforts, and each has the potential to improve your life.

The underlying reason for effort

You don’t need to struggle with the question of why you’re making an effort. Whether the answer is joy, knowledge, wisdom, strength, or something else, these are just different expressions of the same underlying reason. The only true reason is that you’re trying to make life better. In doing so, you will positively influence your life and the part of the world you’re connected to.

Asking the right questions

Acknowledge that you’re either already doing something or thinking about doing something that doesn’t yet exist. Depending on your perspective, ask yourself either, “What makes me proud of what I’m doing now?” or “What would make me proud if what I’m thinking of doing succeeded?”

Because of my journey, I developed to share lessons I learned and help others surpass this challenge.

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Feeling stuck in life

Nice suburb home with trees and beautiful lawn.

As I sat in my comfortable home, accompanied by my parents, pets, and the peaceful surroundings of my neighborhood, I felt somehow stuck. Despite my relaxed life, I couldn’t help but compare myself and my life with what it might be.

I had a good life, but I couldn’t shake the idea that I was missing out on something bigger. The appeal of new and exciting opportunities became persistent and hard to ignore.

A negative feeling

A negative feeling started to emerge, along with negative thoughts. I began to wonder if I had made the wrong choices and if I should have taken on more challenges and risks. I had always been hesitant to take on the stress that came with more challenging paths and stepping outside of my comfort zone, but I was starting to question how far I wanted to go. Had I gone far enough? Was I truly happy with myself and my life?

Why I was feeling stuck in life

What was causing me to feel stuck? Could I try new things? I needed to assess myself and identify what was missing in my life and what I was already content with. I believed that if I felt stuck, it meant that I wanted to pursue something different or go somewhere else. I began to ask myself questions such as, “Where did I want to be? What did I want to achieve? Did I want to achieve that now, or was it okay if it took one or ten years?” I was trying to gain a better understanding of what I hoped for and what becoming unstuck meant to me.

What was holding me back

I was torn between the comfort of my life and the change and opportunities I longed for. “Should I have taken a chance and pursued a more rewarding career or started a family, even if it meant sacrificing my life balance? Or should I continue with my comfortable daily routine, knowing that it would most likely impede my ability to gain the new and different experiences that I admired and wanted in life?”

What was my goal

Marriage, children, creating my own family, and becoming more prosperous – these ideas were circling in my mind. But what was it that I truly longed for and valued in them? Did I want to have more people around me to care for, or did I want others to care for me? Was I simply bored, or was there something deeper driving these desires? Did I need these things for biological reasons that I had to accept, or was there an external factor influencing my desires? Did I truly want these things for myself, or was it because I felt pressured by others to pursue them?

As I examined the potential rewards of these desires, I came to the realization that they weren’t solely my values. Family, prosperity, and enjoyment of life belonged to anyone who attained and held them. It was the same with ideas – they didn’t belong to me or anyone else; they simply formed inside one person’s head and then in another’s. It didn’t matter if others held the same ideas or values or if we came to them by similar or different means. The fact that others shared and needed the same idea, wish, or value didn’t diminish its worth, just as an apple didn’t lose its value because others wanted, needed, or ate them.

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